Pet Corrector
August 9, 2013
Pet Corrector: A loud blast of air from a pressurized can. More effective if the dogs don't see you administering shot of sound....let 'em think there is a big spray bottle in the sky that is always watching them ;0)
I train dogs, teach dog school, and rescue dogs. I usually have eight dogs in my house at a time. So when the front door bell rings, it is a big, exciting adventure with the promise of pets and treats. I LIKE my dogs to bark. My house has been break-in free since I have had large dogs. My large dogs (four Dalmatians and two Border Collies) quiet quickly on my command. but my two Yorkies NEVER stop barking, even after I have assured them that it is a friend and I have things under control. So the Pet Corrector has been very effective to break their intensity. The large dogs actually immediately leave the front door and lie down cause they know what is coming. My two Yorkies, not so much. But the Pet Corrector does stop them better than treats for quiet did. It tends to be a longer lasting correction as well- I only had to give it one time per door bell ring. The only down side is that it corrects ALL the dogs, even the well behaved ones. All my dogs, however, get treats for "Hush!" so its all good.
NOTE: after one week of using - perhaps six times, all the dogs stop barking when I say 'that is enough' EVEN the Yorkie boys.! Success!! I STILL- and always will, reward for compliance. I keep treats by the front door for the dogs so they sit or down and be quiet as someone enters the house.
I have a friend who rescues and uses it to break up fights (very beginning squabble ...once the fights are serious, the dogs wouldn't respond) She always has one on hand for that and has used it very successfully.
- Effective in interrupting an incorrect behavior. This should be used in cooperation with training and is not INSTEAD of training a dog. Dog should be rewarded for correct behavior after the shot of sound so he knows exactly what owner WANTS - as apposed to just what the owner doesn't want.
- It corrects every dog present , even the ones who are behaving.
- It can lose the power to startle if used indiscriminately.
- Don't spray in dog's face. His reaction could be violent.